직장인 37.5%, 취업 하자마자 ‘퇴준생’되는 이유
기사입력: 2021/06/18 [09:30]  최종편집: ⓒ ebreaknews.com
문홍철 기자
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
필자의 다른기사 보기 인쇄하기 메일로 보내기 글자 크게 글자 작게

브레이크뉴스 문홍철 기자=
직장인 10명 중 4명은 취업 하자마자 이직을 준비하는 ‘퇴준생’인 것으로 나타났다. 퇴준생은 ‘퇴사’와 ‘취업 준비생’을 조합한 신조어다.

18일 잡코리아에 따르면 직장인 1476명을 대상으로 퇴준생인지 질문한 결과, 37.5%가 ‘취업 하자마자 이직을 준비하는 퇴준생이 맞다’고 답했다.

퇴준생이 된 이유는 ‘급여 조건이 마음에 들지 않아서(40.3%)’, ‘급한 마음에 취업한 곳이어서(39.9%)’가 가장 높은 응답률을 보였다.

이어 ‘하고 싶었던 업무가 아니어서(35.9%)’, ‘회사 복지가 거의 없어서(22.9%)’, ‘직장 내 상사/동료와 관계가 좋지 않아서(10.5%)’ 등이 뒤따랐다.

퇴준생들은 코로나19 장기화로 취업난이 지속되다 보니 급여 조건 등 원하는 근무 환경이 아니어도 우선 입사를 결정하고 이직을 준비했다.

아울러 직장인 10명 중 8명은 취업 하자마자 이직 준비를 하는 퇴준생 에게 공감했다.

또한, 설문에 참여한 직장인 49.9%도 ‘현재 이직 준비를 하고 있다’고 답했다. 이어 ‘내년 상반기에(16.3%)’, ‘코로나19 사태가 종식되면 바로(15.7%)’ 등으로 이직을 생각하고 있었다.

한편, 설문에 참여한 직장인 61.8%가 ‘코로나 사태 이후 이직 가치관에 변화가 있었다’라고 답했다. 변화를 준 부분은 ‘고용 안정성/정년보장을 가장 중시하게 됐다’가 응답률 57.7%로 가장 높았다.

다음으로 ‘재택근무 등 코로나 사태에 적극 대응한 기업을 선호하게 됐다(44.2%)’, ‘집에서 가까운 회사를 선호하게 됐다(21.2%)’, ‘언택트 사업을 운영하는 회사를 선호하게 됐다(16.3%)’ 등이었다.


아래는 위의 글을 구글번역이 번역한 영문의 <전문>이다. [Below is an English <Full text> translated by Google Translate.]

The reason why 37.5% of office workers become ‘retired students’ as soon as they get a job

-Reporter Moon Hong-cheol

It was found that 4 out of 10 office workers are 'retired students' who prepare to change jobs as soon as they get a job. Retired student is a new word combining ‘retired’ and ‘preparatory student for employment’.

According to Job Korea on the 18th, when 1,476 office workers were asked if they were retired, 37.5% answered, “It is true that they are retirees who are preparing to change jobs as soon as they get a job.”

The reasons for becoming a retired student were ‘I did not like the salary conditions (40.3%)’ and ‘I got a job because I was in a hurry (39.9%)’ showed the highest response rate.

It was followed by ‘because it was not the job I wanted to do (35.9%)’, ‘because there was little company welfare (22.9%)’, and ‘because I had a bad relationship with my boss/colleague at work (10.5%)’.

Retired students have continued to struggle with employment due to the prolonged COVID-19, so they decided to join the company first and prepared for a job change even if they did not meet the desired working environment such as salary conditions.

In addition, 8 out of 10 office workers sympathized with retired students who were preparing to change jobs as soon as they got a job.

In addition, 49.9% of office workers who participated in the survey answered that they are preparing to change jobs. Next, they were thinking of changing jobs in the first half of next year (16.3%) and as soon as the COVID-19 situation ends (15.7%).

On the other hand, 61.8% of office workers who participated in the survey answered that “there has been a change in the value of job turnover after the corona crisis. The most important change was 'employment stability/retirement guarantee was the most important', with the highest response rate of 57.7%.

Next, 'I prefer to work from a company that actively responded to the corona crisis such as telecommuting (44.2%)', 'I prefer a company close to home (21.2%)', 'I prefer a company that operates an untact business' (16.3%)' and so on.

원본 기사 보기:브레이크뉴스
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